If you’re content with the original version, you’re free to stick with it. Just make sure you don’t download Version 2 and lose important data. Check your update preferences right now to prevent automatic updating and data loss. To make your choice, scroll down to see Version 2’s new features and instructions for updating.
Version 2 Available Now!
The new version of Negotiation 360 is now available for iOS and Android.

New and expanded features!
A robust suite of tools to deepen your knowledge and sharpen your negotiation skills.

Game Plan
Prompts and checklists enable you to craft agile strategy to insure that you are the best prepared party at the bargaining table.

Training Room
Additional resources now include downloadable templates to help you prepare and learn from your negotiations. It also has podcasts that cover a wide range of problem-solving and interpersonal techniques.

Negotiation News & Tips!
Regular updates in your inbox with practical lessons from the latest negotiation research and timely cases, plus tips from expert deal-makers and mediators—all selected to help you perform at your best.

Assess your general negotiation skills and learn about fundamental tensions in negotiation strategy

Scorecards help you learn the right lessons from your negotiation experience to enhance your strategic agility and polish your interpersonal skills

Best Practices
Build your personalized list of Best Practices to help you reach agreements that might otherwise slip through your fingers
Prepare for Version 2
Here are some tips and tricks to get ready for the new version of the app
The new version is built on a more robust platform that will give you greater functionality. But porting data over from old to new is difficult, so we recommend taking screen shots of your collection of Best Practices (specifically, what worked well and what you’d do differently). Then you can enter that information in the Best Practice portion of Version 2.
If you like, you could do the same to preserve your Scorecards, though that’s not essential. As for transferring your Skills Profile, we suggest simply creating a new one, since your self-assessment may well have changed since your original entry. Doing that will only take a minute or so.
Upgrade to Version 2
When you are ready, make the choice to upgrade to Version 2
When you’re ready to put Version 2 to use, update the app. You’ll have seven days to explore the new and expanded features. At the end of that week, you’ll have the option of subscribing (at 99 cents monthly or $9.99 yearly).
We hope the new tools and resources in Version 2 to will enhance your ability to craft creative deals and resolve disputes before they escalate into costly conflicts.